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advanced culture 意味

"advanced culture"の例文


  • 先進的文化{せんしん てき ぶんか}
  • advanced     advanced adj. 年をとった, (時が)進んだ; 進歩した. 【副詞】 culturally advanced 文化的に高度な
  • culture     culture n. 文化; 教養; 訓練; 養殖, 栽培; 培養, 培養菌. 【動詞+】 Her father sent her to a
  • nation with an advanced culture    文化{ぶんか}の高い国
  • advanced     advanced adj. 年をとった, (時が)進んだ; 進歩した. 【副詞】 culturally advanced 文化的に高度な an extremely advanced stage of cancer 相当進行した段階のがん a young woman of extremely advanced views きわめて進んだ考え方をもつ若い女
  • advanced...    advanced... 進化した[医生]; 発育の進んだ[医生]
  • culture     culture n. 文化; 教養; 訓練; 養殖, 栽培; 培養, 培養菌. 【動詞+】 Her father sent her to a finishing school to acquire some culture. 父親は彼女にいくぶん教養を身につけさせようと彼女を教養学校 《若い女性が社交界に出るための準備をする私立学校》 に入れた bring Wester
  • in culture    培養下{ばいよう か}の、培養液中{ばいよう えきちゅう}で
  • of culture    教養のある
  • vary from culture to culture    文化{ぶんか}によって違う[異なる?変わる?さまざまだ]
  • academically advanced    学力{がくりょく}レベルの高い
  • advanced accounting    上級会計学{じょうきゅう かいけいがく}
  • advanced achievement    先端的{せんたんてき}な成果{せいか}
  • advanced age    advanced age 老齢 ろうれい
  • advanced agriculture    先進的農業{せんしんてき のうぎょう}
  • advanced aid    アドバンスト?エイド


  • the nobility of the time had a great appetite for the advanced culture of tang dynasty china , brought back by japanese envoys .
  • therefore , tsushinshi played the role of introducing advanced culture in korea to japan , in addition to the mission as a diplomatic envoy .
  • thereafter , japanese envoys to sui and tang dynasties china were dispatched , and scholars sent to china learned an advanced culture , and brought it back to japan .
  • in the era when the strong tang-dynasty of the chinese empire was prosperous , nobles established the tenpyo culture modeled on chinese culture , and an advanced culture learned by scholars sent to china became the standard for policies .
  • in the period ' from the meiji restoration to the surrender in world war ii ,' how to take a japanese identity before the overwhelming civilization and advanced culture of western countries was an issue under the international environment where imperialistic countries unfolded captures of colonies .
  • in recent years , the wang-in culture festival has been held annually in yeongam county of south cholla province to commemorate wani who introduced advanced culture to japan (there are also wani-related ruins in south cholla province but they were created after the 1970 ' s , and these are serving as good examples of creation of a legendary site ).
  • in contrast , akira yoshida claimed that the true status of mimana nihon-fu was a committee established to gain access to the advanced culture of the peninsula and consisted of kyo (lords ) dispatched from wa , local kings , powerful families and government officials , including han gie who was the monarch of the countries of mimana , paramount chiefs of dae gaya , sub han gie of alla and tara .
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